Rose Du Château: a rose without a thorn

  • E-commerce

Fresh cut flowers, delivered internationally? Sounds bold, but it’s possible! We committed to make the way for Rose Du Château’s foreign expansion… a bed of roses.

Rose Du Château Advanced e-commerce


Prepare the website for the company’s international expansion by creating multiple language versions, a new responsive layout, and redesign.

Develop a reliable logistics support system: probably the most important success factor when it comes to a perishable product such as cut flowers.

Intelligently matched deliveries
Data management
Advanced integrations


To enable the company’s international expansion, we implemented a multi-site supporting several languages ​​and currencies, with the option to customize the product catalog for a given country of shipment. We have also differentiated delivery and payment methods by country.

We moved the store to the Magento platform, taking care of the full migration of data on products, customers and sales reports.

Usability and beauty

Since flowers are one of those products that the customer buys with their eyes, we focused on the visuality of product subpages. Each product category is characterized by separate attributes one can select individually. We have created a database of icons that can be assigned to the product from the admin panel to best present the product’s properties to users.


The development of a logistics support system guaranteeing delivery on a precisely selected date, both in Poland and abroad, was our most important challenge.

Therefore, we have prepared a proprietary system in which the customer can choose the shipping method based on the postal code of the pickup location. There are 4 time slots in which delivery can be ordered: three on each day of the week and one on Saturday.

A world of colors
Twine #c19a57
Monza #c8002f
Baltic Sea #252429
Gallery #EEEEEE
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